23 March 2009

I am old and nerdy

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

We had to move the rosaries out of Pip's reach. He knocked over Buddha trying to get one. You'll be glad to know Buddha escaped unscathed.

Not a whole ton to say for myself lately. Well, there's been a lot going on (when is there not?) but I haven't had much time to write about any of it. Dave in 3 bands, though, so I see the amount of writing time in my life hockey sticking. He's off at practice now, in fact, but he left dinner in the oven for me. Good man. I was starving when I got home (god knows why, there is a plethora of free snacks at the office and I get through a lot of mini-bags of Cheez-Its in a day) so it was extra nice to walk in the door and be able to stuff my face without having to wait around while the ramen finishes cooking.

Listening to a Librivox recording of Jane Eyre and am really enjoying it. I've read Jane Eyre before, at least once, but I don't think I've read it in maybe 10 years. Long enough so I'd forgotten almost everything but the salient points of the story: poor governess, rich Mr. Rochester, mad wife in the attic, "Reader, I married him". That's kind of inescapable cultural knowledge about Jane Eyre - I probably knew that much going in the first time I read it. I'd forgotten how events unfold, though, and how much fun Jane's conversations with Mr. Rochester are.

Man, listening to this as an adult, though, I can barely hear the story over the warning sirens in my head screaming, "Get out of there, Jane! Mr. Rochester is crazypants!" I mean, he dresses up as a gypsy and lies to her, he misleads her about marrying someone else, he plans to entrap her in a fake marriage, then he tries to get her to be his mistress, and even after all that Jane's like, "Mr. R! I luffs him so!" That doesn't seem like such a happy ending to me. Her other alternative, the creepy St. John Rivers, is awful too. I don't think Charlotte Bronte had a very high opinion of men. I don't think she knew much about children either - Jane is a governess but her charge is just so boring and stupid.

Anyway. The litter box and some laundry are calling. If I can ever get Lucky off my lap. He's my internet boyfriend and always insists on being in my lap whenever I'm on the internet. I don't know how he knows, but he does.

Whole lotta grooming love going on around here.






Unknown said...

I like reading Jane Eyre when I have a drippy cold. Her life and her choices are so bleak.

Have you read The Eyre Affair? Jane's in it but isn't remotely the focus. Very clever.

Debi Harbuck said...

"Get out of there, Jane! Mr. Rochester is crazypants!"

This made me laugh out loud. Isn't it great how different this book is when you read it as an adult? A true reflection of how you, Dear Reader, have grown. I've often wondered which reaction Bronte meant the Reader to have: swoony or scared shitless? :)

Also, I love that the rosary was hanging over Buddha's head. I hope it didn't move far.

Lisa said...

I've never read Jane Eyre. Someday, maybe, or maybe not -- I almost feel like the collective conscious cultural shorthand is enough. That and insightful analyses that use the word "crazypants."

Lots of cat love! You know I approve.

Cara dB said...

@Deborah (Debbie W? is that you?), bleak is exactly the work. I've read The Eyre Affair and it was very fun. The next books in the series got boring quickly for me, however.

@Debi - the rosaries are just higher up now. We welcome all gods, although Jesus and his buddies are most represented on our walls. We try to mix it up with Buddha and Vishnu though. And I don't think we are supposed to be swoony about Rochester - he's blinded and maimed by the end of the book, so we can feel okay that he was punished for his sins, but I think he's meant to be ambiguous.

@Lisa - unless you've got a thing for the Victorian novelists/early feminists like I do, I'm not sure it's a book you *must* read.