Okay so Pip arrived yesterday and he is SO TINY AND CAH-UTE! I love him even though he has pooped in a particularly disgusting way outside the box several times since. He is so tiny and naughty and playful and clumsy - he has that stubby kitten tail action.

And Simone loves him too.

She grooms him all the time and he tries to fight with her. He creeps up behind her and launches himself to her hindquarters. She usually gets this patient look on her face and keeps walking. It's pretty much like watching a lizard attack a brontosaurus.

Zoe hates him fiercely and will swat him off of his kitten chow so that she can eat it. (They all love the kitten chow except for Pip, who loves Zoe's prescription diabeetus food.) Inty seems simultaneously scared of him and annoyed by him, but she will is willing to share the kitten food with him, if not her tuna. Simone shares her tuna and treats with him. It is the cutest motherfucking thing in the world.
Oh, and I have been INSANEly busy the past few days (not just with the kitten, I swear!) so that is why posting has been kind of quiet.
Oh my goodness. How sweet is that face??
I KNEW Pip would activate Simone's maternal wiring. Kittens are the best. Angelic and demonic every other moment. Welcome to the menagerie, Pip!
Oh, so adorable! Now I want a kitten.
Evil Cara.
I think I'm in love. What a cutie!
Katharine, you were utterly right and we are like, THANK GOD we have Simone for him to play with and deflect some attention from us. She supervises him all the time - she must have been a good mother.
But I had completely forgotten how much kittens will make you laugh - watching Pip and Simone wrestle is hilarious, because he seems completely unaware of the size differential even as she pins him down and tries to teach him some manners.
Girlish squee of delight.
ZOMG PIP! You know I love Inty and Zoe but the Simone/Pip pairing may just be the end of me. She is so sweet and patient and maternal and he is so spazzy and clueless and full of bravado but still needing/wanting a Mommy. It kills me ded. I'm glad to hear Inty's putting up with him. I have hopes they'll be buddies someday and suspect she has something things to teach him too. Pip pip hooray!
OMG OMG OMG soooo cute. Just looking at little kittens makes my ovaries do something. That is the sweetest thing ever, and yes the dynamic is so much fun to watch.
Weirdly enough, Mr. Bonkers and Alvy have this, even though they’re both ostensibly boys – B will groom Alvy in a very alpha-like fashion, and Alvy will FIGHT and KICK and JUMP straight up in the air so as to land on B’s head, then run away as if in fear for his life. I always say it’s like having Saturday morning cartoons on all the time.
Oooh, the cuteness!
boreded ceiling has blessed r haus. momma you take good kitteh pikturs.
boreded ceiling cat has blessed r haus. you r a good pikshur taker momma.
Pip! is a pip. Cara, I have recently been eating your delicious marmalade and thinking of the nice visit I had with you. So glad to see kitten pics (and cats too), thanks to Lisa.
I'm relieved that I can finally put my kitten-envy aside.
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